Film – This is why play is so important

Film – This is why play is so important

Our new film – This is why play is so important – is available to watch online now. 

The short film features children of all ages, who tell us what play means to them. It celebrates play and highlights why it's so important to children’s development, health, wellbeing and happiness.

Narrated by actor Matthew Rhys, the film was created over two years across Wales. From street play to playgrounds, living rooms to back yards, the film captures many different types of play. It shows how children interact with one another and with their environment through play. The film also includes interviews with adults reflecting on their first play memory and how it has left a lasting impression on them.

The film was commissioned to highlight to parents, carers and adults working with children and families the importance of play in children’s lives in Wales, and how we can all support it. We hope the film helps everyone recognise and value that nothing could be more important to our children’s lives than… play.

We would be delighted if you tell your friends and family about the film, and share it on social media  – the more people that see it the stronger our message about the importance of play in children’s lives.


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