Terms and conditions
Please read the following terms and conditions as they govern the use of this website (www.playwales.org.uk).
Your use of this site constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions, which take effect on the first day of use of the site. You agree to use this site only for lawful purposes, and in a manner which does not infringe the rights of, restrict, or inhibit the use and enjoyment of this site by any third party. Such restriction and inhibition includes, without limitation, conduct which is unlawful or which may harass or cause distress or inconvenience to any person, the transmission of obscene or offensive material or disruption of normal flow of dialogue within this site.
Modification of these terms and conditions Play Wales reserves the right to change the terms and conditions by posting the changes online. Your continued use of this site after changes are posted constitutes our acceptance of this agreement as modified.
This site is provided for information purposes only. Whilst Play Wales has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the information and related graphics (hereafter known as "material") contained in this site are correct at the time of publication no warranty is made, either express or implied, as to their accuracy or fitness for purpose. Responsibility cannot be accepted by, or on behalf of, Play Wales an/or its related suppliers for errors, omissions, misleading statements or the consequences thereof.
This site contains general information about our services and other matter relevant to play providers in Wales. The material is not intended to be a complete statement of the law, fact or procedure and should not be relied upon by you, or be conveyed to a third party as such. Nothing in this site constitutes legal or other professional advice. You should always seek detailed advice from a lawyer or other suitable professional/expert before making a decision to act or refrain from acting based on a specific set of facts.
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Reference to any company or individual in this site, or any other site to which it is linked, does not imply Play Wales' approval or warranty of their standing or capability unless otherwise expressly stated.
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You may print in hard copy, download to a local hard disk or otherwise use any material found in this site provided it is for our personal use or only accessible by others within your organisation. In all cases, Play Wales must be acknowleded as the source of the material on the copy; all copyright and proprietary notices must be kept intact, and our address and contact details reproduced.
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The copying of any article is ony premitted it it is copied in full with no amendment or editing. Translation is permitted on the basis that you take full responsibility for the accuracy of the translation.
The copyright permissions given in these terms do not include the design or layout of the Play Wales website. No Play Wales website logo, graphic or image may be copied or retransmitted without our written permission.
We would be pleased to consider requests for permission to disseminate or use Play Wales material outside the scope of the copyright terms set out above provided that our written approval is obtained in advance.
Material submitted by users, members and third parties
Certain parts of the site contain material submitted by users, members and third parties who remain responsible at all times for the submitted materials content and any opinions expressed therein. The inclusion of submitted material in this site does not constitute or imply any warranty, endorsement or agreement of its content by Play Wales unless otherwise expressly stated.
Play Wales does not accept liability for any errors omissions or inaccuracies in submitted material.
Play Wales reserves the right to omit, suspend or edit any submitted material.
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Play Wales is not responsible for the contents or reliability of linked third party websites, either to or from the Play Wales website, and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them. Any site wanting to create a link to the Play Wales website, or to request a link to be created to them, should contact the Information Service.
Comments or complaints
These terms and conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Any disputes arising here shall be exclusively subject to the jurisdiction or the courts of England and Wales. Any comments or questions regarding the site should be sent to our Information Service.