Top tips for travelling with your child

All about play

Top tips for travelling with your child

Travelling with children is exciting and fun. It can be a chance to explore new places and do new things together.

But sometimes travelling can be stressful. It can be challenging when you and your child are tired, in new places, and away from your usual routines. Making time for play is the perfect way to reduce stress and help you make the most of your trip.

How playing can help

Playing is a great way for you and your child to:

  • have fun together
  • get to know other people
  • relax
  • use up some energy
  • explore a new place.

Some things to try when you are spending time somewhere new

  • Find out where the nearby parks and play spaces are.
  • Ask someone local where there are hills, woods or streams you can play in.
  • Try to have some ‘downtime’ every day – time when there is nothing much going on so your child can relax and do their own thing.
  • Allow your child to join in with other children playing, for example in places like parks or beaches.
  • Take some paper, pens and pencils with you, so you can draw, play games or make paper airplanes.
  • Search online for free places to visit – places like country parks, woods and castles.
  • Let your child do some of the things they do at home – like playing their favourite games, snuggling up with their soft toy or just hanging out.
  • Carry a few little toys your child can play with if you are stuck in a queue or waiting area – like action figures or dolls, small toy animals or toy cars.
  • Don’t feel under pressure to do too much every day.

If you want to enjoy fun, relaxed journeys and holidays, make sure there’s time to play.
